
"C this language" logo
A collection of simple notes on the C programming language, beautifully transformed in Crisp, Clear and Creative images !!!

"If you can read this statement, you can learn C language in a day", so true is the ease with which you could learn C coding language on this blog or the corresponding Google+ collection "C this language"

So as to learn C language, one cannot just read on to understand how C language works. For that, one has to literally "SEE" how C works!! Hence the name "C this language".

This blog and the corresponding Google+ collections page are aimed at vigorously accomplishing the objective of learning C by visualisation through immense use of graphical representation. So as to get you interested, the blog also takes you to back in the past to the beginning of the ideas and concepts of modern day languages!!

The fact that you are already reading on this page, is appreciated and respected by the author. We empathize with the inconvenience caused by this incomplete source, in case you are looking for READY material on the subject.

The reason for promoting the Google+ collections page "C this language" and also the Blogger blog "C this language", is to get like-minded and interested people involved in the making of this "to be wonderful" blog.

All sorts of suggestions are welcome from ideate people. Also we hope other readers to keep a track of "C this language", as beautiful things are coming!!